European Network- Chur​ch​ on the Move

Council of Europe

Conference of INGOs Newsroom June-November 2017

The programme for the Conference of INGOs June 2017 Session where the recommendation Human Rights & Business, piloted by EN-RE, was adopted can be seen in this link.  Please read the Presentation Sheets and Draft Agendas for further information. The Report after the June 2017 session describes this session which was attended by Robert Simon and Fernand Jehl and contains the results of the elections for the three thematic committees.

The Conference of INGOs Newsroom is continually being updated and the latest information on writing this article is dated 23rd November 2017. Amongst the information included is the Debate on the Possible threat of the return of the death penalty which was attended by Fernand Jehl and Hugo Castelli. This link contains an excellent short video in English by the American nun Sister Helen Prejean, a world famous activist against the death penalty.

Not contained on the link is the excellent bulletin published  specially for October 10th 2017 15th World Day against the death penalty which you can download from this article:

The link also shows the link to the website of FIACAT (International Federation of ACAT: Actions by Christians for the Abolition of Torture) and the ACAT websites in 10 European countries, since as Sister Helen Prejean says, the death penalty is a degrading torture, and EN-RE should work together with ACAT in our different countries.