European Network- Chur​ch​ on the Move

Council of Europe New Gender Strategy 2018-2023

Click on New Gender Strategy to read the text in English.  From this link you can click on DE for German, FR for French, IT for Italian and RU for Russian but there is no link to Spanish, unfortunately.

Then click on the link to the pdf on the Strategy which is only available in English and French, the official languages of the Council of Europe. However, each of the 47 member States translates most of the documents issued by the Council of Europe in the official language of each member State via the department that handles each topic.

CoE Member State Reports  are issued on the official website of the Council of Europe in the same format for each member State as shown in CoE's Current Report about Belgium

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Gender Perspectives Side Event Project June 2018

Proposal and Outline Side Event at Council of Europe during PACE session

Subject : Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325

Objective : Determine what the CoE pillars can do to support the implementation of 1325

Organiser: Parliamentarian PACE,

supported by INGO Representatives

Chair: Ms Sirkka-Liisa Anttila, PM Finland.

Co-Chair Ms Anna Rurka, President INGO Conference.

Moderator: Chair PACE Co. Equality and Non-Discrimination (provisional)

Program covering the following

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zum 90. Geburstag von Hans Kueng

Klicken Sie auf den Link PRE20180310_Kueng_90.Doliwa_korr

We are Church Germany Report 2017-2018 in English

Click on We are Church Germany Report 2017-2018 EN for the Report in English 

We are Church Germany Report 2017-2018

Click on We are Church Germany Report for the Report in German

The 50th Anniversary of the Conference of Medellin

The grassroots Christian Community Santo Tomás de Aquino, a member group of Cristianas y Cristianos de Base de Madrid, itself a member group of Redes Cristianas, a member group of EN-RE, is participating in the preparation of the Conference in Medellin, Colombia, that will commemorate and endeavour to update the conclusions of that important event in the life of the Catholic Church in Latin America.

We attach four files that describe the Conference of Medellin:


Theme 1 The Method See, Judge and Act

Theme 2 The 2nd Vatican Council

Theme 3 The Medellin Document

There may be more themes before the start of the celebration in August 2018

El 50 aniversario de la Conferencia de Medellín

La Comunidad de base de Santo Tomás de Aquino, grupo miembro de Cristianas y Cristianos de Base de Madrid, a su vez miembro de Redes Cristianas, un grupo miembro de EN-RE, participa en la preparación de la Conferencia en Medellín, Colombia, que recordará y planteará la puesta al día de las conclusiones de este importante acontecimiento en la vida de la Iglesia Católica en América Latina.

Les adjuntamos 4 archivos que describen la Conferencia de Medellín:

Rumbo a 50 anos de Medellin:

Tema 1 El Metodo Ver, Juzgar y Actuar

Tema 2 El Concilio Vaticano II

Tema 3 El Documento de Medellin

Pueden haber más temas antes de la celebración del aniversario en agosto de 2018