Date: 2017-01-28  Written by Matthias Jakubec

Activities of the Movement "We are Church" (WaC)

April 9, 2016: Annual conference of WaC in Salzburg. Discussion about homosexual marriage. There is unanimity among us, that there should be the possibility for homosexual people to gain a secular partnership with rights equal to marriage. Only half of our supporters would agree to call this a marriage.

June 24-26, 2016: Together with WaC Germany we could run a stand at the 17th ecumenical Bodensee church rally.

October 17-20, 2016: Martha Heizer from WaC and Helmut Schüller participate in the 3rd international meeting of initiatives of catholic pastors in Chicago, USA.

November 4-7, 2016: Martha Heizer participates in the IMWAC meeting in Rome, Italy.

4 issues of our news letter “Wir sind Kirche” (We are Church).

Several press releases.

Events in the Austrian Church: